Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Soothie Pacifier Attacher

Does anyone have the flower Soothie pacifier attacher?  Do you like it?  In the package it looks like it goes around the entire pacifier, which seems like it would then be huge (they're so big as it is) and look silly.  Am I looking at it wrong?

Re: Soothie Pacifier Attacher

  • I have it. It looks cute when she is sucking on it but it is a bit cumbersome in her car seat (the flower hits her chest and knocks the paci out). It does go around the whole soothie, so you are looking at it correctly. It also makes it a little heavy, so if your LO doesn't have a strong suck, it might fall out. Would I buy it again? Most likely, she only likes soothies and that is the only holder/clip that fits.
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  • I have the penguin one and its so big that I agree with the pp, its cumbersome. I wouldn't buy it again. I use the mam ones and just loop it through one of the holes, it works much better.
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  • Ditto pp. I returned mine.

    Got the Mam's one and ran it through a hole- works great!

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