Babies: 0 - 3 Months

toyota matrix vs. nissan versa

Help me choose! These are probably our two final choices as to what car we're going to get. Does anyone have either? What do you like/dislike? TIA for your help!

Re: toyota matrix vs. nissan versa

  • We have a matrix and we love it.  Didn't consider a Versa for more than a minute because they're much smaller.

    Love love love our matrix.  It gets better gas mileage than our beat up old Corolla we traded for it (not to mention the other issues our Corolla was having that were making us feel unsafe...).  The only problem we've had with it is that the convertible seat has to be behind the passenger seat until it is forward facing.

  • That's not really a good comparison as the Nissan Versa is much smaller. I'd compare the Versa to the Toyota Yaris. Either way, I'd go with Toyota. They and Honda have the most reliable cars that will last you a long time and the best fuel economy.
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