
Sorry TMI, feeling achey "down there" ?

Did anyone experience feeling an achey crotch/vagina? The past couple days I have felt this way and I am not sure if its normal or if I should be concerned. It feels almost like I rode a bike for about 2 days straight.?

I am contemplating calling the doctor to run it by them, but I feel silly!


Re: Sorry TMI, feeling achey "down there" ?

  • Oh yes!  I have had this feeling for a long time -- months I'd say (sorry, doesn't give you much hope does it?).

    It's kind of a toss up between feeling bruised or like a man with a VERY large shoe as kicked me in the girl parts and his foot is still there.  There are days where I think it's gone and also days where the pain drives me to tears (especially when rolling over at night).

    Sometimes a couple of Tylenol helps.  I've noticed it happens more if I do a lot of walking and it will then be extra sore that day and the following. 

    When is your next checkup with MFM?  You can ask about it there -- they did a quick check to make sure I was okay and then had me take some Motrin for a few days and that seemed to help too.

    Sorry hun -- IT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!

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  • I have been feeling like that for a few weeks and have a doctors appointment tomorrow.  I'll let you know what they say.
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  • I have this also.  i have the pain you are describing, but mine also feels like pressur in that area too. B/c of the pressure feeling, the doctor had me come in for an ultrasound and NST. Everything was fine - cervix closed & long & no contractions. The doctor said it's just normal. MIne was extremely bad for about a week, and then got a little more bearable (although still there & uncomfortable) - but at least I am not in tears b/c of the pain anymore ( just kind of grumpy!!).
  • I have been feeling extra pressure lately down there. I have a dr appt tomorrow and I was planning on bringing this up. I am guessing it is just from all the extra weight in the tummy with these growing girls.
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