Babies: 0 - 3 Months

enough milk for DC at day care??

Today was my first day back at work (which sucked - I went in late and came home early b/c I just couldn't take it). Anyway, DS at about 16 oz at day care but I only pumped about 12 or so. Any advice? Should we start supplementing with formula? Thoughts on fenugreek (sp?)? ?I am not quite sure what to do as I have not supplemented so far, we have just been BF. I assumed I would pump as much as I defrosted for him to eat but it doesn't look that way. Thoughts? TIA?
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Re: enough milk for DC at day care??

  • Do you have any freezer stash?  I built a stash for this reason.

    How often are you pumping?  Could you add another session, at work or home?

    Do you have any idea if 16oz is a lot for your DC in that amount of time?  What time did he last eat?  Some daycares feed a little too often. And some will feed close to pickup.  Ive talked to our DCP about holding off on feeding dd if its close to pickup.  Obviously if she's starving they feed her though.

    Ive luckily been pumping what DD needs...but she only takes 8oz (I nurse her at lunch too) or 12 oz (if I dont nurse herat lunch). 

    You could also try a nursing vacation over the weekend to up your supply. 

    Also its the first day so you might just not be used to the pump yet.

    Obviously if you need more you may have to supplement if you dont have a stash to get you through till you start producing more

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • I was thinking the same thing!!!!  I dont' think I pumped enough yesterday or today --so not sure what I should do either.  I am pumping every 2 hrs--and thinking about trying to pump even more but man, that hurts. 

    PS--doesn't pumping at work suck??!

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  • add a pumping session at work or home. if you start supplementing, your supply may drop. you'll eventually catch up.

  • I started out using a frozen supply for a couple of days and now I've been pumping for 3+ mos. at work and have enough sometimes, more than enough BM for DS at daycare.

    A tip that worked for me. When DS started going to bed 7ish and sleeping through the night I kept the 10pm feeding and I pump. It makes it more comfortable to sleep and I have an extra feeding's worth of milk for the next day. I also pump after DS "eats" in the morning and get some more for bottles then.

    Good luck, and take a book with you to pump at work. I've been catching up on reading and the time passes by a bit faster.

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