I have been scarce lately. Hmmm, it feels good to be missed/noticed. Ha! Sadly, I'm afraid I'm aging out of this board a bit. I'm on 6-12 some (but it's still to sloooow for my taste). I'm also on EFF quite a bit.
Thanks for your reply earlier. I actually just talked to my SIL and found out her SD has a murmur that wasn't found until age 5. It helps to know it's not a huuuge deal and it's not terribly dangerous necessarily. I'm glad Tristan's healed up on its own. That's fab! And reassuring.
Re: Chalm
I have a murmur - I take prophilactic antibiotics and drink lots of Gatorade during strenuous activity. I'm fine.
I figured you'd be movin' soon.
Yep, unfortunately, it's about that time.
I'm none too happy either, since it means my baby girl is 6 months old already