I just started WW on Saturday and was wondering if anyone here has had success with the program while breastfeeding? It seems like I have a ton of points and I'm not even using the 35 weekly allowance - or at least I haven't needed it yet. I'm just paraniod I'll get to weigh in and not have lost any weight.
Brady Hunter 08/12/08
Carter Joseph 07/31/11

Re: Sucess with WW and bfeeding?
I obviously can't spell now that I've had a baby....
DD1 - july 2008
DD2 - may 2010
DS - sept 2012
DD1 - july 2008
DD2 - may 2010
DS - sept 2012
While I was on maternity leave and bfeeding, I did WW and I lost 10 lbs in about a month. I returned to work and I've been pumping so DS can have EBM at daycare and I had trouble keeping up with his demands. I stopped doing WW and increased my calorie intake and my supply went back up. I've decided to hold off on WW until DS is consuming more solids.
I also have done WW pre-pregnancy and it works. You have to experiment with your Flex Points, some people lose weight quicker if they use all 35 Flex Points (sounds counterintuitive, but it is true). Don't be afraid to use them, the program is designed to help you succeed. Drink plenty of water and try to get some activity points each day.
Good luck!