Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Reporting State Trooper Conduct...

Does anyone know if there is a process for reporting the conduct of an officer of the law (particularly a State Trooper)?

I was driving with DS as a Trooper started to pursue a speeder. I was in the right hand lane, a cement mixer was on my immediate left in the center lane and the Trooper was in the left lane behind the speeding car.  The speeder slowed down and cut off the cement mixer and got right in front of me (I assume to try to exit off on the next exit and outrun the po-lice). The officer jammed his car in between mine and the speeder's, 5 feet off my bumper, then slammed on his brakes to get behind the speeder as the speeder pulled over. I narrowly missed hitting the officer, and the person behind me barely missed hitting me.  I had no 'escape route' because the speeder/cop combo cut me off so quickly and the cement truck was blocking me in on the left. This all happened at 65 miles/hour.

From anyone else but an officer, this would have been considered reckless driving.  I am still shaking about what could have happened today. And all to give someone an f-ing speeding ticket.

Should I report this to my State Trooper's 'department' and if so, how do I go about doing that?

Re: Reporting State Trooper Conduct...

  • I would call your regional office and report it to the captain.
  • I would be shaken up too!!! I wonder what my DH would say about it? He's a cop but at work right now.

    I honestly think I would call. If you call the local State Trooper post ask for one of the Sargeants and explain what happened. Were you able to identify the trooper's car # or license plate? I know it happened very fast but it may help.


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  • I was going to loop back around and get his car # but I called MH who told me not to do that, that the officer would have gotten angry and I might have gotten in 'trouble' for interfering with what he was doing.
  • If he wrote the guy a speeding ticket, they have a record of who was there and when.
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