Babies: 0 - 3 Months

grunting constantly!

DD is sitting on the couch with me and playing with a stuffed toy, but grunting NON.STOP. She sounds frustrated with her toy. It's funny, but she's been doing it for about an hour now & it's getting slightly annoying (the grunting...not her!)

Anyone elses DC do this?!

Re: grunting constantly!

  • My DS grunts constantly, when sleeping, when awake, etc.
    Nathan Thomas, C-section (frank breech), September 22, 2008 Maren Anne, VBAC, April 6, 2010 Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • I just posted about this earlier this afternoon.  My ds does this also.  He is always grunting or straining.  My pedi says it's totally normal but he just sounds so uncomfortable.  DS is only 3 weeks old, is this something they grow out of?
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  • Maybe it is gas.  Try to lay you DS on his back and gently push his knees on his my help him get a little fart out.
  • My DD grunts constantly; eating, sleeping, playing, resting... All times of the day, she grunts!
  • i think it's more of a talking  type of grunting...
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