Babies: 0 - 3 Months

I flipping hate

this growth spurt thing. DS did not do this at any of the other "growth spurt times" but he has eaten EVERY hour today and slept the ENTIRE day. The sleeping sounds great but he would not let me put him down the entire day. He woke up the second i put him down (not like him at all). It is exhausting.

It is 4 o'clock and I still havent brushed me teeth today. how long do growth spurts typically last??

Thank God DH is home, at least I may get a shower soon.

Re: I flipping hate

  • It will only last a day or so.  Days like that it is best to grab the remote and just ride it out.  Hang in there...(like most things) it will pass.
  • Oh, the 6 weeks growth spurt is the worst. ?It lasted 4 days for us. :( ? I hope it is over soon for you.

    I will say that it was worth it because she came out of it a new baby with a whole new bag of tricks up her sleeve. :)?

    Lilypie - (ZESJ)Lilypie - (QAi1)

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  • I feel your pain. We are going through the exact same thing right now. I want my happy, good-sleeping baby back!
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