I have to share...Last night I was taking a bath and DH brought DD in the bathroom and asked if I wanted to bathe DD while I was already in the tub. So I drained the tub, refilled it with warm water and he brought DD in. She LOVED being in the tub with me. She was kicking her legs and smiling as I washed her. Then she must have tired herself out because she just nuzzled on my chest right afterwards. I can't help but wonder how great a waterbirth would have been ( I had a c-section) but either way it was a great moment and I can't wait to do it again before she gets too old...
Re: My Crunchy Granola Moment
awwwww...I have never taken a bath with Ethan, but he was born in the birth pool. It was pretty amazing, actually. I shower with him every night, though. He's never actually had a bath, only showers. (unless you count that first moment in the birth pool!)
Waterbirths are definitely amazing. I loved it!