Babies: 0 - 3 Months

My Crunchy Granola Moment

I have to share...Last night I was taking a bath and DH brought DD in the bathroom and asked if I wanted to bathe DD while I was already in the tub. So I drained the tub, refilled it with warm water and he brought DD in. She LOVED being in the tub with me. She was kicking her legs and smiling as I washed her. Then she must have tired herself out because she just nuzzled on my chest right afterwards. I can't help but wonder how great a waterbirth would have been ( I had a c-section) but either way it was a great moment and I can't wait to do it again before she gets too old...

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Re: My Crunchy Granola Moment

  • I'm not much of a bath girl...but that makes me want to clean the tub out and give it a try!
  • I've bathed with ds a few times, isn't it sweet? He's a little water-bug too, loves it!
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  • this is how we bathed DD until she was about 9 or 10 weeks old. I was a little sad when she suddenly started liking the infant tub.
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  • I always shower with DD, and I brought her in the tub the other day also. She loves it and it is so much easier than dragging the tub out!
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  • I'll have to try that. DS hates bathing right now but he loves me...maybe bathing with me will average out to "like".
  • I want to try a bath with DD. I think she'd love it, but I'm kind of a chicken about all that wet, slippery baby stuff. I won't even give her a bath in the sink, I do it on the carpeted floor.
  • awwwww...I have never taken a bath with Ethan, but he was born in the birth pool. It was pretty amazing, actually. I shower with him every night, though. He's never actually had a bath, only showers. (unless you count that first moment in the birth pool!)

    Waterbirths are definitely amazing. I loved it!

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  • I started taking baths with ds this week. It is wonderful! He seems to really enjoy it and doesn't cry until I take him out.
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