Babies: 0 - 3 Months

ingrown toenails

Mason's two big toes are ingrown. Our pedi said to soak them in warm water a few times/day and try to push the skin back once it's soft. Well we tried it today and he does NOT like having his feet submerged in water. Any tips? Anyone else have this and treat it successfully?

Re: ingrown toenails

  • Aww, poor little guy. Sad I just had an ingrown toenail and those suckers hurt! No advice but I hope you can fix it soon.
  • what about soaking a wash cloth in warm water and wrapping his feet in that?  Think that might have the same effect?
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  • aww and he's only 3 weeks! sorry no advice, but GL!
  • Mine had one that even got infected... what I did was wait until he is eating and then used my fingernail to get under his nail to slowly push the skin back and trim the part that was bothering him a little bit.  It didnt bother him as much since he was preoccupied.  The dr. gave me an antibiotic salve to rub on it twice a day as well to get rid of the infection. 
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