Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Epi questions

Did you have the epi? If so, did it hurt? What was it like not feeling your legs? When did you get feeling back in your lower half. Sorry for all the questions, but I need to know. Any other thoughts are welcomed.

Re: Epi questions

  • Yup, got the epi.

    it did not hurt compared to the back and hip pain from the contrax.  I would get it again easily. 

    It was weird not feeling your legs, but I didn't care.  The part I hated was how cold I got.  The weirdest part was how swollen I was (all the fluids) and then touching my legs.  They felt like they weren't mine.

    You get the feeling back pretty quick.  Within 30 minutes easy.  They shut mine off to help with the pushing and it wore off almost instantly.  I felt everything pretty quick.

  • I got one at 3cm.  It did not hurt near as bad as I thought it would.  The IV hurt 100 worse than the epi.  The nurse helped me stand about an hour after delivery and I could go to the bathroom with someone helping me walk after that.  It took about 12 hours until I felt like I was completely steady on my feet and could go to the bathroom unassisted.
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  • Getting it put in is uncomfortable but NOTHING compared to the pain I was in.  I loved my epidural and am so glad I got it.

    My legs felt like they were asleep.  Weird, but much better than the pain I was in, in my opinion. 



    Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}

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  • I have an extremely low tolerance to drugs (if I take a Tylenol, I need a nap Wink ) so I asked the doctor for a low dose. I could still feel my legs and some of the contractions but there was no more pain. When the epidural went in, I couldn't feel the needle at all save for a little prick. I ended up with a c/s which means I didn't get the feeling back for quite a while.
  • Yes, I think once I am in that pain, I may not mind getting it so much. The major thing is not feeling my legs. I think that would just freak me out. But then again, if I am major pain, I may just not care.
  • I got it and I honestly don't remember it hurting.  I felt a pinch and I felt cold going into me, and that's it.  It was weird not feeling my legs I guess, but I really didn't care at that point.  I got feeling back probably like 30-45 minutes after delivery.  I had absolutely no side effects from the epi.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • YES I got one! Loved it. No pain, just sweet, wonderful relief. It was annoying not being able to walk once it was wearing off, but so, so very worth it.


  • It felt like a bee sting.  Maybe not even that bad.  Its was so worth it, IMO.
  • I gave in after my 38 hour induction. ?They poked too far and had to give me a spinal. ?I really wish I didn't need it but I was in labor for four days on pit, it was rough. ?I really hated how the drugs made me feel... I was out of it a lot, although it could have been the exhaustion really. ?When they put the needle in I felt a shock, like a lightning bolt down my right leg, I told the lady what I felt and she said it was normal. ?I've been having some funky numbness in my right side lately.... I seriously wonder if its b/c of it.
    And it was really weird seeing people touching and moving your body and you feel nothing. ?And they kept having to turn me on my side b/c of my blood pressure and they had to have the nurse, my mom (shes a nurse too) and my DH basically pick up my limb body and move it, I couldn't do anything to help.?
    With my experience I would advise you to go as long as possible without it, you're going to be amazed how strong you really are.
  • Did not feel a thing when he did it.  The only thing that hurt a little was once he started it, I felt an electric shock like down my leg.  It didn't really hurt perse, but was odd!  The IV hurt more than the epi!  The epi was a breeze!

    In all honesty though, if they told me they could make the pain go away by cutting off my hand I would have done it...I was in that much pain! I did not care how much the epi was going to hurt if it made the pain go away.

    The numbness didnt really feel weird at all. I could still move my legs some though...but no pain at all.

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • I got an epi, but I waited a really long time to get it so I was at 8cm and my water had been broken for a couple of hours.  So by that point, it didn't hurt at all.  I was in so much pain and having contractions while they put it in that I didn't even notice the epi going in. It was tons more painful getting the IV than the epi.

    Mine mostly took on one side so I had to lay on my side for awhile.  I could still feel the contractions, but not in a painful way...just felt the pressure.  The epi wore off one leg right away, but the other leg took a couple of hours and it felt like it was dead.  After you give birth, they will tell you to move your legs around in bed to help regain the feeling.  

    I would get it again if I needed it, but I was so close to a natural birth that I will probably try to tough it out and do that again.

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