I posted this before, but didn't get responses, so I'm hoping more people are reading this RP that could be of assistance. I have no experience with pumping and I'm a first time mom so excuse the cluelessness. My son is a month old and I'm going back to work in 13 days (boo!). I EBF. I would like to start introducing the bottle either today or tomorrow so he gets used to it since I'll be pumping BM and he'll get a bottle while at daycare. I need to develop a pumping schedule for a) the 13 days I'm still at home and breastfeeding but also introducing the BM bottle and b) when I go back to work and am just unsure how often to pump vs. actual nursing, how long to pump, how many ounces to offer how far apart, all of that. With BFing its easy because I just put him to the breast whenever he shows the feeding cues, which is typically every 2-3 hours during the day and every 2-4 hours at night, though sometimes there are times he'll go longer spurts and sometimes he'll want to feed back to back. We feed on demand. Also, my right nipple is cracked and I can't stand to BF on that side anymore; it is so painful! Can I just BF with the left breast and pump the right? TIA for any assistance anyone can provide.?
Re: Need Help with Pumping Schedule
I would suggest lansinoh cream for your cracked nipple that always helps. you can pump that side of course. i would suggest you pumping early in the morning- that is when you are most full.
if you are planning on pumping at work you can pump the next days' meal and refridgerate- so you dont have to build a super huge freezer stash.
as for getting him used to a bottle- i would suggest pumping after each time he feeds to start getting some milk for some bottles to introduce. as for how long to pump- you can start with pumping for 10 or 15 min after nursing and see how much you get. don't be surprised if its not a lot- don't worry. it takes time.
I would pump once every morning (supply is up in the am hours, usually) and if you feel like it, pump your sore breast occassionally.
That gives you 13 days of extra milk that you can just put directly into the freezer.
On day 1, baby will go to daycare with previously frozen milk. Day 2 he will get what you pumped on day 1. make sense? at the end of the work week, freeze whatever you have left over.
My DD always gets frozen milk on my first day of the work week. That way my freezer stash keeps rotating and stays fresh.
workandpump.com is also a great site to check out.
oh, and for his 'learning' bottles- just offer one or two ounces. No need to go wasting a ton of milk while trying to teach him how to take a bottle.
Pump while your DH gives him a bottle feeding- maybe once a day. That way your supply and freezer stash will stay up.
GL with everything. the first week is the hardest, and then it gets much easier.