Babies: 0 - 3 Months


when did your baby start crawling?

my dd will be 6 months this saturday and just yesterday she started scooching that a crawling sign?

now when dd is on tummy time (her new favorite position) she'll lift up her butt and start heading backwards. she'll scooch away for a couple of minutes before she starts getting tired.

yesterday she did that from one corner of our bed to the other without stopping Smile

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Re: crawling...

  • I don't remember when my first started crawling... somewhere around 9 months (7 corrected - he was a preemie)

    I'm not sure why they learn to go backwards first, but its normal. It might take a few days before she starts going forward.

  • Mine just turned 5 months and she has been really trying (and moving pretty well) for about a month. I don't think it's normal though! She started going backwards first.
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