Babies: 0 - 3 Months

baby blues/hormones

how long is this supposed to last? I cry at the drop of a hat lately, most often when DC is crying and I can't calm him down. I think it's a product of the major lack of sleep at night catching up with me.

if anyone else experienced this, when did you notice it getting better?

Re: baby blues/hormones

  • I definitely experienced that-DH thought I was losing it! ?I think it got a lot better somewhere around 4 weeks. ?I still have my moments, though...nothing to worry about as long as you can still care for yourself and your baby. ?My advice would be to not try to do everything yourself if there are any friends or family members that can help you out and give you a break.

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  • what really helped me was to get out of the house & be a part of the world. I walked the dogs & sat on the porch during the day. when she did sleep, i cleaned, showered did the laundry. all to try to gain some normalcy
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  • At about 3 weeks, I started to notice that I was feeling worse everyday and not better. That made me call my doctor. I went in and got help and am so glad I did. If you're starting to wonder if you need help, call your doctor, that's easy enough to do. Since I've gotten help, I feel like myself again and am enjoying all of this so much more. Hang in there--it will get better Smile
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  • I am sorry. :(

    I only experienced crying when I was exhausted and he would cry and I couldn't console him...

    My saviour was The Happiest Baby on the Block book.  Now if he cries and is inconsolable, we swaddle him and rock him.  In seconds he is quiet and happy.  Try it.  It is a much better house now.

    I never really experienced baby blues.  But if you feel like it isn't getting better, please call your Dr.

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