Babies: 0 - 3 Months

S/O ear piercing

the comment about "cosmetically" altering your children reminded me of a family i nannied for in college.  they had a young son with a birth mark on his face and were considering getting it removed.  now that is cosmetic surgery, literally! 


so who would have a birthmark removed from their child?

Re: S/O ear piercing

  • I knew someone who's son had a huge red birthmark that covered his eyebrow on one side. I don't think she removed it.

    I don't know what I'd do. I'd probably leave it, but I'd feel bad if he got teased. Some kids don't know they're bring rude when they say "whats wrong with your face?" =

  • If it was something that would bother them medically in the future then yes.  But if not, I don't think so.  I'd wait until they were older to decide anything.
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  • yeah, kids can be little biotches!  i have a very large birthmark on my leg and it was way more obvious when i was younger.  during the summer the kids always made comments about it.  idk if i would have one removed from my child tho, bc my mom taught me that God doesn't make mistakes and he makes us the way we are for a reason...



    but some of the comments really did hurt my little heart...

  • I wouldn't unless there was a medical reason.  To do something for solely cosmetic reasons teaches your child that their looks are more important than their health.

    I understand kids tease and such, but I would rather instill in my child that who he is is much more important than his outward appearance.

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  • When I was 3 I had cat scratch fever and ended up with a benign lump in my neck. It wasn't medically necessary to remove it but I'm so grateful that my parents did.

    A birthm ark though, i don't think so.

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