this happened to dd and the doc said for me to drink prune or grape juice or the thermometer thing but that idea freaked me out so i drank lots of grape juice!
I just had to call pedi yesterday about this because DD hadn't pooped since friday! They said not to worry but suggested I give her 3-4 oz of baby pear juice per day until she pooped. I gave her one oz and she went about 15 min. later. I would say just watch her and maybe call tomorrow if she still has not gone. The pedi office said it's not unusual for them not to go for a day or two.
My baby is EBF. He's 5 months old. He is basically pooping once/week at this point. Breast milk is just perfectly digestible, so there isn't any waste for them to poop out. Don't worry about it. She'll be fine.
My DS didn't poop for 4 days and was screaming on the 4th day, so we took him to ER, just because we were frantic and wanted reassurance (ofcourse once we got there, he pooped). They said its not uncommon for them not to go for several days, but said we did the right thing by having him checked out. If your baby seems in pain, like ours did, I would call the doc regardless of how many days it has been.
Re: no poop in 24 hours?
is she bf? i was told bf babies can go from pooping 8 times aday to once every 8 days and its all normal.
maybe put a warm nhotwater bottle on her tummy? i have seen people rec'ing taking their temps rectally, that stirs things up.