I can officially put cycle #1 of Clomid in the books with no BFP. I am not too suprised. Clomid didn't work for us the first time. I think I'm going to insist on another HSG. That's what did it the last time. Maybe that combined with the Clomid would be our best bet! On to the next!
Conceived DD after 15 cycles---
TTC #2 since 11/10---Me- Poor egg quality and supply---DH- Poor count and motility---2 rounds 75IU Follistim/IUI-BFN---5/12 150IU Follistim/IUI-Over-produced! Converted to IVF! 0 fertilized:( Rescue ICSI performed. 2 embryos transfered-BFN
---------Game Over---------
Moving on as a family of 3
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Re: AF Came a Callin'