When your water breaks, can it be just a little at a time, or does it have to be a gush? TMI, but I wear a pantyliner, and my underwear is wet, like it went through the pantyliner, which is unusual for me. I haven't felt any "contractions" that I know of today.
Re: water breaking
when my water broke, it trickled out a little at a time. in fact, they had to break my water bag to release the rest of the fluid after i was several hours into labor.
chances are, if you think your water broke, it did. for me, the fluid just seeped out, and i knew i wasn't peeing!?
your contractions may or may not start simply because your water broke, either. mine didn't, so they had to induce me 6 hours after my water broke.
good luck!?
When mine broke, I was in the hospital and was lying on my side when the baby hiccuped and I thought I peed myself...it was a sudden gush of water.
After that, every time I had a contraction more water would gush out.