Babies: 0 - 3 Months

If you had a dip in supply

Particularly when you went back to work, were you able to rebound from that?
My silly Lily is almost 4. BabyFruit Ticker

Re: If you had a dip in supply

  • I went back to work last week and by Wednesday i was getting 1/2 of my supply!  I freaked out and stared drinking more water, taking Fenugreek and adding another pump session at night and during my work day. 

    By Saturday, it was back.


  • Mine did. I take Reglan. It's awesome. My dr. and the pedi don't like Fenugreek.
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  • Yes. Drink more water. Have a guiness everyday (and I hate beer) no other alcohol until you get back up. Bring a picture of your DC and look at it while pumping. That's my best advise.
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