Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Grunting/Groaning in sleep

My ds is 3 weeks old and he grunts and groans and strains in his sleep.  He sounds like he is extremely uncomfortable.  I can't get any sleep because he makes so much noise and then I get up to check on him and he is fast asleep while making all these sounds.  Is this normal?  I asked my pedi about it last week but she said it's normal but is it normal for them to do it ALL THE TIME?  I wish he would either be quiet or just cry lol.  Any advice?

Re: Grunting/Groaning in sleep

  • DD used to always grunt in her sleep. I always felt like something was wrong with her when she did it even though I've heard that lots of babies grunt in their sleep. One day I brought her into bed with me and I snuggled her while she slept and the grunting stopped. That was the beginning of our cosleeping.
  • DS was so loud at night.  Groaning, gurgling, grunting.  Like you I would check him and he'd be fast asleep.  It got better and eventually stopped around 3 months.  Having a white noise machine in the room with us helped drown out some of the noise, so I could sleep, but still hear the crying/louder noises to get him. 
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  • My dd does that. Sometimes its gas and she;s just trying to push one out, sometimes she is just plain restless.
  • My DS made terrible noises when he slept. I would look at him and find he was fast asleep and perfectly happy. It has improved now that he is older.
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