Babies: 0 - 3 Months

I miss DD when she was a teeny baby

and she kind of is still a teeny baby! haha  Now I definitely understand when people told me how having 1 would make me want more... I already miss her teeny newborn phase. (yet I definitely do not want anymore babies...)

It's so amazing how fast they grow!

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Re: I miss DD when she was a teeny baby

  • I miss it too!!!  I look at her newborn clothes and pics and get sad!  They sure do grow fast!! 
  • I know what you mean!  I love all of the new things she is doing, but I do miss when she was just little teeny tiny.  She is waaay out of newborn size now and almost out of 0-3 months.  I feel like she is growing SO fast!
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  • I look at pictures when DS was born and it's amazing how much he's grown. I don't want another baby any time soon but I miss that newborn stage.
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