Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Teething-Sleep Issues...

DD has been an absolute nightmare the last few nights with sleeping and not sure what is going on. Is she teething? Do I need to increase her formula intake?

She only slept a few nights through the night but was wkaing 1-2 times (totally fine with me) but now she is up every 30 mins for her paci. She is only eating 24 total ozs a day (should I offer her more? She is a major spitter so not sure if I am overfeeding or underfeeding her). She has been chewing on everything like crazy and really drooling a lot. Could she be teething? Checked and nothing there but lately eveyrhting is in the mouth and she really goes to town on it. Any advice?

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Re: Teething-Sleep Issues...

  • Sounds like a combo of teething and possible 4month wake period.

    does she cry when she is chewing on her hands? have you tried the hylands teething tablets? they work great for gisele.

    wow- my baby is a little piggy- she eats so much compared to other babies.

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  • We are going through the exact same thing right now.  So far it's been three weeks.  I definitely think it's teething related in our case.  Unfortunately, it can take months before a tooth breaks through.  I miss my good sleep!  IDK if it is related to the 4 month wakeful thing, but anything is possible.  All I know is that we are up constantly rocking and replacing the paci.  I sure hope this passes quickly!
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  • We've been having the same teething issues for about 2 weeks and the no sleeping issues for about a month.  I hope it ends soon.  I'm tired.


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