Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Murphy's Law - Sonofa..

So we've been having a hard time with Graham the past few days and nights. He's been crying a lot (which he normally doesn't do) and not sleeping worth a crap. It also seems his spitting up may seem to be bothering him. Well, we call the pedi, and she wants us to try, among other things, no caffeine for me. You have got to be kidding me?! I've literally got 3 hours of sleep the past 2 nights, and I start back to work full time tomorrow, and NO caffeine! I will be a pleasant woman to work with.

Re: Murphy's Law - Sonofa..

  • I have to say the one night I had a lot of caffeine DS didn't sleep well at all- we were up all night.  Since I have cut it out of my diet he has been sleeping a lot better.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Oh Gosh, that totally sucks. I feel for you, I do. Can DH help with the night shift tonight so you can sleep some?
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  • Be careful. I fell asleep behind the wheel and drove off the road. Woke up in enough time to miss someone's mailbox and a tree.
  • Kate is very sensitive to caffeine too and I can't have coffee or soda at all.  But tea is okay!  For some reason the caffeine from black tea isn't transmitted to bm.
  • Wow - Good to know about the tea.

    DH offerred to help, but I will be using all my pumped milk for daycare. I could dip into my stash I guess. I'll see how tonight goes. Thanks guys. 


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