Babies: 0 - 3 Months

is this a growth spurt or change in bedtime habits?

DS usually wakes every 2-3hrs to feed (4oz ea feeding) at night and only takes 20-40 mins to go back to sleep.

this week however, he will sleep 4-5hrs, wake for 1 feeding, stays awake for 2-3 hrs, then sleep another 5hrs and want 6oz when he wakes. his wakeful period is between 2am-4am.

should i put him to bed later or leave it? he usually goes to bed at 8ish.

Re: is this a growth spurt or change in bedtime habits?

  • We pretty much let DS make his schedule when he was that young. He went to bed around 10 and would get up once to eat. He was eating every 3 hours but would go a little longer at night.

    Is his last feeding at 8? You could try to make it later. It seems like DS always wakes up at the same time for us no matter what time he goes to bed, so it might not make a difference. DS now goes to bed at 8 he changed this on his own, your DS could be changing. Usually for a growth spurt our DS sleeps a lot durring the day too and will want more food. Hope that helps some

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