Shorter. From water breaking (first contraction pain) to holding Drew = 32 minutes.
BUT, I was induced. Went in @ 8am, started pit and didn't feel a thing at all. Fell asleep around 11pm and woke up @ 1:44am and told MH my water broke. First contraction followed and after about a half a push he was here
*Tried* to come earlier - contraction started before 20 weeks, partial bedrest by 26 weeks, full bedrest and meds by 30 weeks (along with steroid shots for DS's lungs) bedrest and meds at 35 weeks...Stinker stayed put for another 3 weeks coming at exactly 38 weeks - the latest of all three of my kids. I didn't mind him cooking a bit longer, but it certainly was frustrating after all the bedrest and everything! (My girls were 37w3d and 36w2d.)
That said, he came fast when he finally decided to come. Went to the hospital at 7pm already at a 4 (which I'd been at for a week). No progress at 9pm, 10pm or 11pm. CNM told them to keep me overnight for monitoring since he was my third and I usually know what I'm talking about - plus I was having contractions ever 3-4 minutes and in a lot of pain. Anyway, water broke at 3:24 and DS was here before 4am. We weren't even officially admitted yet since they were just "monitoring" us.
DD- 12hr labour, 2 and a half hours of pushing (yes you read that right, but she was big and the cord was around her neck twice. I was ready to punch the nurse who talked me out of my epi b/c she thought DD would be out in a couple of pushes)
DS#3- 7 hr labour, out in 2 pushes!
Rebecca- mom to 3 kids: DS born 2005, DD born 2007 and DS born 2010.
labored maybe 3 hours. dialating was so quick my epidural was still workig great at delivery and i didn't feel a thing. he was practically falling out and they almost had to deliver him without the doctor.
Delivery was earlier and later (one week earlier than DD #1 and 6 weeks later than DD #2 who was born at 32 weeks). Labor, longer, but probably would have been shorter if all things the same. DD #1 was induced, #2 was super early so she shot out since she was so little and #3 was 3 hours longer than #1 but no pitocin.
Proud Mommy to Kaylie 12-04, Alaina 5-06 & Annalise 6-08
DD1 - born at 38 weeks, 3 hour labor (water broke at 1:30am, DD born at 4:30am)
DD2 - born at 37.5 weeks, 8 hour labor (water broke at 1:30am, DD2 born at 9:30am)
DS - born at 34 weeks, 9-10 hour labor - I labored at home for a while because I was sure I was just having Braxton-Hicks contractions so I'm not exactly sure when my labor started. By the time I got to the Dr.'s office I was 5 cm, but my Dr. actually had to break my water so I think my overall time in labor was the longest of the three.
My 3rd would have been the latest, but we scheduled a c-section for his due date. #1 came on his own on the due date, and #2 came on his own 3 days before his due date. #3 was as happy as a little clam in there. No contractions or anything the day they took him out.
Re: 3rd baby - deliver earlier and shorter L&D?
Shorter. From water breaking (first contraction pain) to holding Drew = 32 minutes.
BUT, I was induced. Went in @ 8am, started pit and didn't feel a thing at all. Fell asleep around 11pm and woke up @ 1:44am and told MH my water broke. First contraction followed and after about a half a push he was here
{Ava 5.16.06} {Ella 12.29.07} {Drew 2.9.10}
*Tried* to come earlier - contraction started before 20 weeks, partial bedrest by 26 weeks, full bedrest and meds by 30 weeks (along with steroid shots for DS's lungs) bedrest and meds at 35 weeks...Stinker stayed put for another 3 weeks coming at exactly 38 weeks - the latest of all three of my kids. I didn't mind him cooking a bit longer, but it certainly was frustrating after all the bedrest and everything! (My girls were 37w3d and 36w2d.)
That said, he came fast when he finally decided to come. Went to the hospital at 7pm already at a 4 (which I'd been at for a week). No progress at 9pm, 10pm or 11pm. CNM told them to keep me overnight for monitoring since he was my third and I usually know what I'm talking about - plus I was having contractions ever 3-4 minutes and in a lot of pain. Anyway, water broke at 3:24 and DS was here before 4am. We weren't even officially admitted yet since they were just "monitoring" us.
DS #1- 24hr labour, 50 mins of pushing
DD- 12hr labour, 2 and a half hours of pushing (yes you read that right, but she was big and the cord was around her neck twice. I was ready to punch the nurse who talked me out of my epi b/c she thought DD would be out in a couple of pushes)
DS#3- 7 hr labour, out in 2 pushes!
DD1 - born at 38 weeks, 3 hour labor (water broke at 1:30am, DD born at 4:30am)
DD2 - born at 37.5 weeks, 8 hour labor (water broke at 1:30am, DD2 born at 9:30am)
DS - born at 34 weeks, 9-10 hour labor - I labored at home for a while because I was sure I was just having Braxton-Hicks contractions so I'm not exactly sure when my labor started. By the time I got to the Dr.'s office I was 5 cm, but my Dr. actually had to break my water so I think my overall time in labor was the longest of the three.
38 wks 5 day, 10-11 hour labor- DD
38 wks 2 days, 8 hour labor - DS1
38 wks 5 days, 10 hour labor Ds2
Baby #1- Born at 40w 5d, 6 hours of labor, 45 minutes pushing.
Baby #2 - Born at 39w 1d, 3 hours of labor, 20 minutes pushing.
Baby #3 - Born at 40w, 13 minutes of labor, 1 push.
Haven't you asked this same question a million times before??
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
Not any earlier. Pretty much within a day or 2 of her due date like all the rest of my babies.
Shorter labor than my first, longer labor than the second.