Babies: 0 - 3 Months

from bm to formula, some advice please

I really need some advice girls. I can't keep up with DC anymore. I have tried the LC's, the fenugreek, pumping extra times per day... I am having to supplement more and more as DC grows. I think I am ready to throw in the towel. I am very emotional over this. I feel terrible not being able to stick with it, however, I think I might be better off just going to formula full time.

 When did you make the switch? Was it hard on you (meaning sad)? Any words would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Re: from bm to formula, some advice please

  • I made the switch at around 3 weeks.  I thought it would be hard on me but DS was SO much happier on formula and I was too-- I couldn't keep up with him and he would scream all day long because he was starving.  Once I started feeding him formula, he was like a different child and an absolute joy. 
  • I'm still doing BFing part time. I had almost weaned completely (right around 6 weeks) but I got too depressed about quitting so I started up again. I BF him whenever I can and FF mostly when I'm away from home and in the evening (when he's tanking up for the night).


    Momma to three boys: Henry - 4yo Alex - 18mo Jack - born 2/23/12 at 20w due to ruptured uterus (previa and accreta resulting in hysterectomy) He only lived here on Earth for an hour, but he will live in our hearts forever. m/c #1: sept '09, m/c #2: july '10
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  • I was an emotional mess about quitting (around 3 weeks) but DD was eating 4 oz. at a time, and I just couldn't keep up with her, plus mastitis on one side and blood shooting out of the other, so it was killing me... I felt SO horrible for quitting, but within a day of FF, when everyone was WAY more happy (me, DD, DH!) I instantly knew that was the right decision for me, and I haven't regretted it since! I am so proud of all the people on here who have stayed with it despite the setbacks, I know it's really hard, but at the same time, I had to get over people making me feel guilty for my decision, because I know it was best for our family. My DD became a new baby after she was more full, more often! :)
  • I had the same issues with not being able to keep up and DS crying from hunger all the time.  I tried everything like you and still couldn't make enough.  Now I am able to BF in the morning, evening and right before bed and I pump enough to give him one bottle during the day when I'm away and he gets about 20-24 oz of furmula throughout the day.  Everyone is much happier.  His tummy is full and content and we still get to have our special time BFing morning and night.  Good luck with whatever you decide.  Either way the most important thing is to keep baby happy and healthy and sounds like you are doing that!
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  • I gave up ebf at around 8 weeks and started supplementing with formula (half bm, half formula) and then when I started back to work I just didn't have time to pump more than once a day and my supply went way down.  I was only pumping around an ounce a day, so I started doing only formula.

    I was really upset and dissappointed in myself, but my DH told me that DS is lucky to have been bf for as long as he was and that many healthy babies are never bf.  That made me feel better.

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