I really need some advice girls. I can't keep up with DC anymore. I have tried the LC's, the fenugreek, pumping extra times per day... I am having to supplement more and more as DC grows. I think I am ready to throw in the towel. I am very emotional over this. I feel terrible not being able to stick with it, however, I think I might be better off just going to formula full time.
When did you make the switch? Was it hard on you (meaning sad)? Any words would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Re: from bm to formula, some advice please
I'm still doing BFing part time. I had almost weaned completely (right around 6 weeks) but I got too depressed about quitting so I started up again. I BF him whenever I can and FF mostly when I'm away from home and in the evening (when he's tanking up for the night).
I gave up ebf at around 8 weeks and started supplementing with formula (half bm, half formula) and then when I started back to work I just didn't have time to pump more than once a day and my supply went way down. I was only pumping around an ounce a day, so I started doing only formula.
I was really upset and dissappointed in myself, but my DH told me that DS is lucky to have been bf for as long as he was and that many healthy babies are never bf. That made me feel better.