Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Tummy Sleeping?

My 1 month old seems to sleep better when she on her stomach, does anyone elses child sleep like this at this age?

Re: Tummy Sleeping?

  • Only on my chest.
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  • All babies sleep better on their tummies. We did it until we discussed it with our pedi (at 2 months) and did our own research. We decided against it, and DD slept on her back til she started rolling at 4 months.

    The SIDS rate is highest from 2-4 months.

    Do your own research and discuss it with your pedi. 

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  • DS has been a belly sleeper since around that time. He sleeps so much better that way. We have a video monitor so it helped being able to see him breathing on that.

    Does your daughter lift her head and turn it yet? That's one of the reasons we let our DS sleep on his belly, because he could do this by himself.

  • we JUST started putting her down for naps on her tummy this week. she rolls from front to back and back to front now.
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  • Only on our chests.  We have for a few minutes in the PnP, but then he rolled himself over to his back.
  • We only let DD sleep tummy down while on our chests.  Once she could roll over both ways (3.5 months) she almost always rolls herself onto her belly.
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  • DD loves to sleep on her tummy.  I'm too nervous to let her unattended.  I put her on my chest or next to me on the sofa on her belly, but I don't put her in her crib this way.  DH and I have debated it.  We have a SIDS monitor in her crib and a video monitor.  But, we still haven't done.  I always just think if anything goes wrong I'll never forgive myself because they make it so clear about putting them on their backs. 
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  • We let her sleep on her tummy most of the time.  We were hesitant at first, but she can pick up and turn her head so we are pretty comfortable with it now.

    We haven't talked to the pedi yet since we haven't gone in for our 2 month check up.  Most likely I will bring it up then as well.


  • SIDS is too much of a risk for me to do it. 

    The CDC web-site cites the recent relaxation of parents on the "back is best" prevention method as leading to a rise in SIDS rates nation-wide.

  • Wow, I'm surprised how many allow their little ones to sleep on their tummies.  Most babies sleep better on their tummies, but IMO it's just not safe.  There's a reason for the Back to Sleep campaigns.

     That said, on DS sleeps on his tummy now, but only because he rolls onto his tummy, which our pedi said is ok.  

  • DD slept on her back while she was swaddled, but once we stopped swaddling her she would only sleep on her tummy.
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