Yesterday he only took in 28 oz but that was forced. He was having an off day. Usually he'll get between 30-36oz (6-7oz at bottle) a day. He also has a serving of oatmeal with a serving of a veggie at dinner time.
I BF DS, he goes to daycare part-time and he normally eats 5oz bottles and has been this way since he was 4 months old. Also, he eats about every 3hrs.
DD eats 5 oz of formula every 4 to 5 hours. She eats anywhere from 25 to 30 oz a day. She sleeps from about 7:30 to 3 or 4 when she gets up to eat and then goes right back to sleep until about 6:30 or 7.
ds just started eating 6 ounces at a time, about every 4 hours (we upped it from 5 because he's not STTN yet and we thought this would help)... so far, no dice. ?
6oz every 5 hours. I might make one bottle an 8oz if he's only had 20 oz for the day before bed. He is not STTN but gives us a 6-hour stretch most nights.
My DS usually eats about 29-32 oz per day and he usually eats 5X a day. He is STTN, but he is teething and wakes up often (like every hour) needing to be soothed back to sleep by rocking or pacifier. He goes to sleep between 6:30 - 7PM and wakes up for the day between 7-7:30A. We are planning to start him on solids next week.
Not exactly sure because I EBF. He feeds every 3-4 hours during the day, usually 5-6 times a day. If I give him a bottle it's 5 oz of pumped milk and 2 tsps of cereal (due to reflux).
He is down for the night by 8:30 and sleeps until about 7:30-8AM. He has been doing this pretty consistently for about 3.5 weeks. Prior to that he woke up once a night around 3-4AM to feed.
Re: Curious, How much is your 4 month old eating?
He's BF so I'm not sure what he gets off me, but at daycare I just upped his bottles to 5 oz and he eats every 3-4 hours.
Yesterday he only took in 28 oz but that was forced. He was having an off day. Usually he'll get between 30-36oz (6-7oz at bottle) a day. He also has a serving of oatmeal with a serving of a veggie at dinner time.
He is not STTN.
I BF DS, he goes to daycare part-time and he normally eats 5oz bottles and has been this way since he was 4 months old. Also, he eats about every 3hrs.
DS does not STTN, never has....
ds just started eating 6 ounces at a time, about every 4 hours (we upped it from 5 because he's not STTN yet and we thought this would help)... so far, no dice.
6oz every 5 hours. I might make one bottle an 8oz if he's only had 20 oz for the day before bed. He is not STTN but gives us a 6-hour stretch most nights.
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My DS usually eats about 29-32 oz per day and he usually eats 5X a day. He is STTN, but he is teething and wakes up often (like every hour) needing to be soothed back to sleep by rocking or pacifier. He goes to sleep between 6:30 - 7PM and wakes up for the day between 7-7:30A. We are planning to start him on solids next week.
Not exactly sure because I EBF. He feeds every 3-4 hours during the day, usually 5-6 times a day. If I give him a bottle it's 5 oz of pumped milk and 2 tsps of cereal (due to reflux).
He is down for the night by 8:30 and sleeps until about 7:30-8AM. He has been doing this pretty consistently for about 3.5 weeks. Prior to that he woke up once a night around 3-4AM to feed.