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My sh*teous cousin...kidde sex arrest

Ah, the lovely people I am related to.  I have heard rumblings in the family that one of my cousin's was arrested for "porn" or "sex" or something.  I have been googling him ,under his middle name as I didn't realize that wasn't his real name.  So apparently his first name is the same as his dads, and lo and behold you can google the pervert and come up with what a sick bastard he is.

And I'm not to keen on what his mother has to say, either. 

He is a pig and deserves to rot in jail.  It is no coincidence that this kid was such a jerk when we were younger.

Re: My sh*teous cousin...kidde sex arrest

  • He should rot in hell. It's too bad that you can't choose your family.
  • Ick.
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  • gross

    why oh why did he have to wear a sox shirt to his arraignment??

    and I think I've been to that bar he bartends at ::shudder::

    Momma to three boys: Henry - 4yo Alex - 18mo Jack - born 2/23/12 at 20w due to ruptured uterus (previa and accreta resulting in hysterectomy) He only lived here on Earth for an hour, but he will live in our hearts forever. m/c #1: sept '09, m/c #2: july '10
  • Oh my! Don't you wish we could choose our family? So sorry that this is going on. Hopefully he will rot, that is what he deserves.
  • A guy my friend and I used to hang out with just got picked up for having child pornography on his computer 2 weeks ago. This was after spending a week in the psych ward because he slit his wrists.
  • That's sick. I'm glad he got caught.
    image DD and I. DD: 6/22/2008. DS: 6/22/2013
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