Babies: 0 - 3 Months

switching nipples?

How do I know if the nipples DS is using are right for him?

We're using the Avent bottles, with the newborn nipples - but when he drinks he makes these gulping sucking noises - and I don't know how much is normal and how much is (possibly) a nipple problem?!

There may be no problem at all I realize, I just don't know what to look for!

Re: switching nipples?

  • I would check out the Dr. Brown's post below which might help you out. Also, those noises sound normal to me. I would stay on the same nipple size until your DC seems to be getting frustrated that they are working too hard to get the formula/milk out, if the nipple starts collapsing, or if it starts taking longer for DC to finish the bottle. If any of these happen I would personally start to introduce the larger nipple size. Goodluck!
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