Repost from 6-12
My DD needs to have a blood test today. She has had vomiting and diahreah off and on for the past 3 weeks. Pedi has switched her to soy, which seemed to work for about 5 days, but Sunday it started up again. Pedi wants to rule out lactose and soy allergy through a blood test.
I have heard on this board that some poor kids have had to have blood drawn from their head. Is this common for most blood tests around 8 months or is it something specific to their condition? I have googled and all I can find is the heal prick for newborns. I just want to prepare myself for what she may have to go through.
Re: RP: Drawing Blood?
I don't think I have seen any blood draws from scalp veins, but it is a popular place for IV's in newborns. Their peripheral veins are just too tiny.
At 7 months I would not think they would stick your daughter in the head. Try to keep her as hydrated as possible ( i know, tough with the vomiting and diahrrea), it can be tough to find a vein on a dehydrated baby.
Good luck. And remember that it will be worse for you then her! She's not the one who has to remember it.