Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Breast infection question

I went to the doctor last Wednesday because I have a painful lump on my left breast.  I was diagnosed with a breast infection and put on antibiotics.  It hasn't gotten any better.  I'm going to call the doctor today about it, but has anyone else had this happen?  Any ideas what else they can do for me to make this go away?  Thanks!

Re: Breast infection question

  • I was put on an antibiotic for a breast infection as well...I'm about half way through the antibiotic and honestly can't tell if it's working or's a little less painful to pump now, but that may be that I'm just numb to it at this point.
  • The first antibiotic they put me on didn't work, so they had to put me on a different one. The lump stayed for a while after the other symptoms were gone though.
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