DS went down at 8 last night and he is still sleeping! Never woke up for a feeding or anything...... I went to bed at 9 thinking it could be a bad night since he skipped his last feeding but here we are it's 7 30 and I am wide awake waiting for him to get up

OH how I love when they get older
TTC #3 with PCOS. Long cycles, ovulate about 4-5 times a year
Married 6/9/07
DS 7/15/08
Met RE 12/08
DD 6/2/10
Re: OMG he's still asleep!
i envy you.
DS went down around 8 last night & got up at 3:45. he went back to sleep. mommy did not.
MamaPhan|boy (n): a noise with dirt on it
DS did that 2 nights ago! He went down at 9pm and never woke up until 8:15am. I woke up at 6am and realized he never got up once. I looked over at him and he was sound asleep. I fell back asleep and didn't wake up until he started to stir at 8am. Totally loved it.
Didn't last though, he was up twice the past two nights. Can't complain. Getting up only twice in 12 hours a night is still a dream!