Babies: 0 - 3 Months

any mommies around? I need help

ok. so I waited a while after I took ds temp in his arm (was 98.6) and I went to put him to bed and just felt so hot to me. I had him out of the swaddle for a good while...hoping he just felt hot to me because he'd been swaddled. I came down and took his temp in his arm again and it was 99.4. I googled that and it said if the armpit temp is over 99 its a good idea to then take it rectally.

This was my first rectal temp and I did it and got 99.5. Though the therm just kind of stalled outand quit rising, so I assumed it was going to beep any minute. ds was squirming so I just figured it was 99.5 and pulled it out.

ok so I know its not technically a fever, but it's on the rise. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do now. do I take it again in an hour? Do I swaddle him? Do I leave him in just a onesie to cool down? I feel so dumb and have no one to call since my family is far away and its the middle of the night there. I'm sure I'm just overeacting.!

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Re: any mommies around? I need help

  • Have you given him any infant tylenol?
    image DD and I. DD: 6/22/2008. DS: 6/22/2013
  • no...I didn't know if I should since it's not even a fever technically. also..I don't even have any since he is under 2 months. I was going to get some later this week.
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  • Oh, he is quite young. Can you call the After-Hours Clinic? I don't know what else to tell you :o( Maybe having him sleep in a onesie only is a good idea. Check on him a little later and see if he's cooled down. There's probably nothing to worry about, but I'm always over-cautious.?
    image DD and I. DD: 6/22/2008. DS: 6/22/2013
  • ok. called the nurse line. They are calling me back. I guess they're gonna check with a pedi.

    my poor baby. I just feel like such a new mom worrier/overeactor. I dunno. better safe than sorry. now I wish I would have the tylenol in thehouse. I do not want to drive to the store at 1 am without dh. ugh...

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  • whenever DS feels warm to me, i try to let him sleep/rest/whatever in just his onesie, then take his temperature again.  i'm almost always wrong about him having a fever.
  • imageSarahTx5701:

    ok. called the nurse line. They are calling me back. I guess they're gonna check with a pedi.

    my poor baby. I just feel like such a new mom worrier/overeactor. I dunno. better safe than sorry. now I wish I would have the tylenol in thehouse. I do not want to drive to the store at 1 am without dh. ugh...

    Yay, I'm glad you're closer to getting an answer!

    It's okay to worry and feel like you're overreacting. I say this because at 2 weeks DD was spitting up her whole meals and everyone kept telling me I was imagining it and that there's no way she spit up her entire meal, it just looked like more to me than it actually was, and "all babies spit up."

    I took her temp and it was in the 99 range and I had this nagging feeling to take her into the ER. I did and it turned out she had a virus, her temp was 101 when we arrived and she had to stay for three days. I shudder to think of what would happen if I had ignore my instincts, kwim??

    So, in conclusion (lol) always trust your motherly instincts and screw people who try to make you feel bad about it :o)?

    image DD and I. DD: 6/22/2008. DS: 6/22/2013
  • so, i'm not a  mom, but i am a peds nurse.  i say unbundle him, and recheck his temp in a half hour.  you are okay without tylenol right now.  just watch his cues...he'll tell you if he doesn't feel good.

    you're okay.  axillary temp (under the arm) is always a little cooler than core temp, but you are okay checking that first in a little bit. 

     let me know if you have any questions...

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Phan- I guess I just always assumed you were in Pennsylvania, didn't know you were in Delaware :o)
    image DD and I. DD: 6/22/2008. DS: 6/22/2013
  • Thanks everyone! amd kitten---that story! wow...mommy instincts!

    The nurse called me back, he said just keep checking him temp. Let him sleep in a onesie and light blanket. Give him his bottle as normal...if it's a cool bottle that'll help him temp. he needs to be seen first thing in the morning but if his temp gets to 100.4 go to the er. ok...gonna put him in his bounvy chair. he sleeps great there usually.

    thanks for your help guys!!

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  • get some rest sarah - sounds like you could be in for a long day.

    good luck at the doctor's!

  • thanks phan- may need that coffee in a few
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  • imageLittleSteph:

    so, i'm not a? mom, but i am a peds nurse.? i say unbundle him, and recheck his temp in a half hour.? you are okay without tylenol right now.? just watch his cues...he'll tell you if he doesn't feel good.

    you're okay.? axillary temp (under the arm) is always a little cooler than core temp, but you are okay checking that first in a little bit.?

    ?let me know if you have any questions...

    Woo, you're awesome! You add one degree to the armpit temp, is this correct??

    image DD and I. DD: 6/22/2008. DS: 6/22/2013
  • crap...if you ad one degree to the armpit then ds was over 100. grrrr

    i hope I didn;t take his temp wrong. oh geez.....I'm gonna get some rest and check him in an hour. night guys!

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  • i just bought this awesome safety first thermometer with several different attachments [rectal, oral & under arm].  it's great - if the baby has a fever, it turns red.  <3 it.  it was $20 at BRU.
  • Awesome. I'll have to check for this when I go home (to Seattle, we no can haz BRU here). I always worry about doing it wrong.

    Night, Sarah! Thanks for keeping me company for 30 minutes ;D?

    image DD and I. DD: 6/22/2008. DS: 6/22/2013
  • i don't know the exact conversion (or if there is one)...all kids are different and it definately depends on how they are dressed or external temp with the axillary.

    i'm happy to answer ?s...i'm up all night taking care of sick kids, anyway.


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