All the doctors I have ever told reject that idea, but the two times I've ever gotten the flu shot I got so damn sick I nearly lost a semester of college! I'm talking about disgusting green phelgm (TMI sorry) for over a week, a cough that would not go away, a fever for a week, and just the worse body ache ever. The first time I got it I figured it was a fluke, than the next year when I went through hell all over again I figured I should leave the flu shot alone!
Andrea 7/9/08, Joaquin 4/18/11, boy coming 12/18/13
Forever missed: Gabriel 11/24/09 at 20 weeks
I had mine last week and not only did I get sick, my arm swelled up and got this huge red splotch on it. I couldn't sleep on that side for 4 was so painful.
Re: Anyone feel sick after a flu shot?