Babies: 0 - 3 Months


Is it possible to overfeed a newborn or will she stop when she has had enough??

Re: Overfeeding?

  • My pedi said to feed them when they are hungry and if they push the bottle out or won't take it, then don't force it.  Also, if they spit up after a feeding, try to reduce the amount and see if they are still satisfied.
  • I had this same question the other night.  My SIL is a pediatrician and she said it is possible and that they'll probably just throw up whatever is excess.  She didn't seem concerned about it at all.  I'm still curious though how you'd know that they had enough if they didn't stop...
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  • You just have to go with your gut.  In the hospital the nurses told me to feed her one of the 2 oz bottles every 4 hours.  (my milk wasn't in yet)  She cried when she was done and I gave her half of another bottle and when I took the bottle away to burp her she didn't cry for it or try rooting around.  Start off small with 2 oz or 3 and see how he/she does.  You will start to notice when they are still hungry....   
  • Thanks! I have noticed that instead of eating every 2-3 hours she has started fussing and rooting around at about every hour and a half. H is convinced I am over feeding her but I disagree. If she is acting like that then she is still hungry. She does take more of her bottle but sometimes throws a little up so I started taking it from her and burping her and that seems to work so far.?

    ?Thanks again!??

  • I really struggled with this question, My pedi says nature will take over and if I overfed him, he would throw it up. and he did.

    I think cues are really helpful, but in some  babies, they mistake the pain in their bellies that is gas for hunger... I think that was my case. Gripe water and reflux meds solved our problem.



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