Has anyone had any experience with recurring strep throat with DC?
DD gets strep ALL the time. She has had it 7 times in 13 months!! Back in January I took her to an ENT and he was the biggest a-hole I have ever met. He didn't listen to a damn thing I had to say and was rude to DD. He said that he didn't consider the cases that she had all to be seperate. He thought they were just the same case of strep that never got any better and had to be treated more than once to get rid of the bacteria. He didn't listen to me when I told him that she would get better each time, only to get sick again after a week of feeling fine. He was a real dic. He even told DD that she couldn't have a sticker because she wasn't a good girl. She wouldn't open her mouth for him to look down her throat. So needless to say we didn't go back to this jackass. I wanted to punch him!
I have an appt on Thursday to see another ENT. I told the pedi that I wouldn't take my dog to see the last one. So he gave us another referral.
I am wondering if anyone's DC has had strep like this and what did they do? I don't want her to have to have a surgery - but I can't imagine her being sick like this time after time AGAIN this winter! Now that she is in school it is going to be even worse. So if taking her tonsils out helps...lets do it!
Anybody have any wisdom out there as to what I can do? What can I expect? Can I push the doctor into taking out her tonsils? I am so feed up already and it is only October and she has had it twice so far!!!
Re: Strep Throat
I had strep throat all of the time when I was little, and a ton of ear infections. Finally they took my tonsils out and it helped tremendously.
Find a dr. that will listen to you. 7 times in 13 months is an issue and sounds like you need a dr. that's willing to help.
Good luck.
You really do have to watch if they are "sharing germs". That could easily explain why they are "never" getting better. Did you change their toothbrushes after being on an antibiotics after 24 hrs? Do they share drinks/utensils, etc? One DD could have gotten better, while the other one was still sick & reinfected the other.