Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Sesame Street Party anyone?

Anyone having a sesame street party for their LO's birthday? i'm looking for some ideas - I already have the invites made, but thinking about cake, decorations, etc :)


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Re: Sesame Street Party anyone?

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    I'm doing Sesame Street for DD's 1st birthday. I am planning on doing helium balloons in red/blue/green and yellow, and streamers to match. I made her a banner (I downloaded a sesame street font, blew it up and coloured the words "Happy Birthday Addison" in crayon, cut the letters out and used different coloured cardstock to mount them. Then I tied each letter square together with primary coloured ribbons, it turned out REALLY cute!) Oh and I am getting a couple of the character shaped mylar balloons too. DD gets super excited for elmo especially so I want one on each side of her highchair for her cake smash.

    Since hers is more of a drop in party since its on a long weekend, we are doing cupcakes instead of a cake for guests. Google sesame street cakes, we are doing cupcakes decorated in the faces of elmo, big bird, grover and the cookie monster. DD is getting her own mini two tired elmo cake for her cake smash. My mom ordered all the cupcakes/cake from a bakery so it will be a surprise to DD and myself what they look like. We are using the sesame street paper plates/cups/napkins and red/yellow and blue plastic cutlery. I am also doing a welcome to sesame street sign for the front door with balloons.

    We will have 7 kids attending in different age groups, so I am doing favor bags for each child and personalizing the age to them. I plan on doing brown paper gift bags and decorating them with these cardboard cutouts I found for scrapbooking and primary colour ribbons.

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    Sounds like you are in good shape! Could you tell me what font you found that was sesame street - like? Thanks!
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    i just googled sesame street font, and it came up. I downloaded it from fontasy island was the website. For each letter it has a sesame street character attached to the letter. I thought coloring with crayons made it look really sweet and childlike.
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    I did baby seasame street characters for DS#1's birthday.  I got just about everything at a part supply store.  We made the cake and found candles in the shape of baby big bird, cookie monster, and elmo.  We had balloons, table clothes, napkins, ect.  We had two cakes, one with the candles and another one just because.  My BIL is a great baker and made them both.  HOWEVER, this particular time he screwed around and while the cakes tasted great, they looked TERRIBLE.  Here is the picture of one:



    I just laugh about it now....

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    I googled and found some great stuff on Etsy that is super cheap. Most are digital so you have to print them, or have them printed yourself. Super cost effective and adorable. Plus I'll have them saved in case a friend plans a similar party in the near future, I can help design something for them on my comp.
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    I have TONS of pictures saved on my computer - gathering ideas for dd's party.  It started with a blue tutu, cookie monster tee shirt and a hairbow with cookie monster and has evolved from there.  Here are some of my favorite pics - most are from etsy.  Some I'm going to make myself and others I will buy.

    I already bought the bow and shirts- cookie monster for dd and the elmo for my 3 1/2 year old so he doesn't feel left out.  The seller on the shirts, magicalmemoriesbyme, did a great job- I was happy with the way they turned out.

    In order (after the clothes), they are candy bar wrappers, edible fondant cupcake toppers (elmo, 1,2,3, cookie), some favor ideas,   I have tons of cakes but there are too many to show- I googled and found tons that way.  Hope that helps!

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    Cookie Cupcake Toppers

    Elmo Fondant Cupcake or Cookie Toppers- Edible- 1 DozenSesame Street birthday party favor package


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