ARRRRRRGH. They called me today from preschool. Thanks God he has awesome teachers who are on top of it, and thank God I'm right there.
No seizures, but damn. The kid had a fever from April 10-April 18th, and he really hasn't fully recovered from being sick for so long. His tests all turned up showing infection but they said that could be and most likely was from a virus.
I'm worried something is really, really wrong with him and I can't even let myself go there. Ugh. Freaking out.
So any "doctors please be nice to Heather" dust and "be gone fever" dust that you have would be appreciated. I haven't even had dinner yet. I need a shower and some food, I'll feel better. Like I said... ugh.
Re: Alex's fever is back.
Damn it! Seems like this has been going on forever! I am so sorry. I know first hand how scary seizures are... (((hugs)))
I hope he gets better soon!
He was much, much better this morning so we went to school... but he got bounced at lunchtime with 100.5. Called the pedi and she said treat it as a new virus- none of the testing form last week showed anything suspicious.
Thanks for the support. This is so tedious.