My Bum Genius 3.0 and 4.0s are constantly leaking, day and night. I have only washed them in Planet detergent and the seem to fit well (though my baby has skinny legs). I use the thicker inserts, but doublers make them way too bulky for daytime use. Any ideas on why they are leaking? Any suggestions for diapers that work well on tall,skinny babies?
Re: Bum Genius leaking
If the insert isn't soaked your diapers may be repelling.
I've also been having random leaking issues with my BG 3.0/4.0s. Sometimes they won't leak for hours and other times, I'll put one on and it immediately leaks. I've stripped these (looked like they were repelling), but no success.
LO is also tall/skinny. We've had great success with BG Elementals and Kawaiis (though Kawaii did leak last night).
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