On a nap for the day?
I came home from the morning activity at 11:45 and she had fallen asleep in the car for about 5 minutes. I tried to transfer her but she woke up and was playing in her crib for a half hour. I went and got her gave her some lunch and now we are trying again. I have never really totally skipped the nap for the day but it looks like we are headed in that direction. How late would you bother with this? I can't believe she is not going to even nap at all.
Re: At what point do you give up..
When DS was that age, I might get up and try again later. He has never been a good sleeper, and if I miss his sleep window, I have to wait and try again in 90 minutes. And I don't put him down for a nap any later than 4.5 hours before I want him to go to bed. It's a finely tuned dance involving lots of math.
Now, if he skips, I rejoice in an early bedtime and hope I can make it to 7 pm with no tantrums.
I also might try taking another drive if I really needed a break.... and if I knew no nap would cause and awful evening (depends on the kid though.... maybe E will be fine w/o a nap.) DOes she s'times transfer? You could drive for 30 minutes- so at least she has a decent chunk, then try again to transfer. ???
Oh- but then again- with gas price now.... hmmm.... maybe not worth it.
This is similar to what i was doing. Jay just recently stopped napping at the age of 4 1/2 and he still occassionally takes a nap. Days with no naps, bed time is sooner
Ditto - we do exactly the same. She skips naps pretty frequently these days.
We still have 1 nap, but I hear all kids are different. DS used to take 2, one around 9-10 am and another around 3, when we dropped to 1 nap, we made it around 1, but at times he'll fall asleep before noon.
If he falls asleep in the car, if possible, I shoosh him while sneaking into the house and we keep a noise machine on when he sleeps, I try and flip it on before laying him down. Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't.