Hi! Just had my first ultrasound today (we did IVF) and sure enough both embryos stuck, we are having TWINS. I can't believe it. I had a LOT of bleeding the first week (none for over a week now) so I'm just so shocked that they both hung in there.
We also have two other sweet girls, one adopted and one biological and are only 5 months apart. So where I have never had a twin pregnancy or two newborns at once, I do know what its like to have two babies.
I hope this shock wears off soon. Someone please tell me it's going to be okay? haha! 4 KIDS?!?!?!?!?!
"I have four children. Two are adopted. I forget which two. -Bob Constantine
"All for Love,' a Saviour prayed 'Abba Father have Your way. Though they know not what they do...Let the Cross draw men to You...."
Re: New here....and freaking out....
Mom to Megan(5), Bridget(4), Tessa and Annie (2) and Mary (brand new)
Congrats x2!!! So happy for you and your family! This board is a wonderful resource for your multiples pg!
My best friend has DDs that are 6 months apart! She adopted a newborn and had a biological daughter 6 months later. Such a beautiful blessing!
Ts &Ps for a H&H pg!
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
Congratulations and welcome.
I don't know why but I had a feeling you were having twins when I first heard of your positive. You are the 4th person in less than a year that I've had that feeling with.
Beta #1 15dpo 298, Beta #2 18dpo 1048
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