
What do you all think about this be?

Thinking of buying this for my 6 yo and giving the 4 yo the nice twin we have. Doesn't seem too high? Of course the 4 yo saw it and wants one also, but I do not think he is ready to be off the ground because he still falls out of bed. 

Re: What do you all think about this be?

  • Should be bed!
  • I just posted about a Loft bed for my 4 year old last night. Love this bed! So super cool!

    Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07
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  • Looks really cute and cool!
  • I'd be really worried about the quality.  For that $$, I'd expect it to last several years, and none of the reviews are more than several months old. And the fact there are only 3 reviews, to me, means no one is buying it. 

    Rather than an "all-in-one" piece, I'd look for a captains bed or one you could add storage. And one that is solid wood.


  • The little hide-away space is cool and would be fun for now, but would be dumb in a few years...and then it would either be a space suck or it would be a place where ALL the junk gets thrown. 

    Its cool, but for that much money I would want a bed thats going to be functional for longer than a few years.

  • imagejettagurl:

    I'd be really worried about the quality.  For that $$, I'd expect it to last several years, and none of the reviews are more than several months old. And the fact there are only 3 reviews, to me, means no one is buying it. 

    Rather than an "all-in-one" piece, I'd look for a captains bed or one you could add storage. And one that is solid wood.


    Captains bed, another great idea!  

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