
You ladies need to pick it up

I have been reading the Mothering Boards again and they make my blood boil. 

My favorite was a post that said basically, "I don't vaccinate and someone ask me if I was concerned about my child getting Polio.  Like people die of polio!" 

Makes me want to hurt them... Instead I will just tell you what it is pointless to tell them.

Yes, people do die of polio today, until people vaccinated against it, they just died a lot more often.  In 1988, 350,000 people, mostly kids, were paralyzed by polio.  In the US, over 3,000 people each year died in the early 1950's, mostly young children, and another 25K were left with a disability, such as paralysis.  There were 1300 cases World Wide last year, and that is just the ones that were confirmed in the poorest countries that lack health care.  It is totally possible your child will get polio if they are not vaccinated, especially considering that most people are vaxed and still people are getting it. 

In the Congo for example, where my former coworker was from and took his children to every summer, last year, there were 476 cases last year, and 179 deaths, and I am sure of those that lived, quite a few are paralyzed.  I just don't get why people who have every resource would deny their child that safety.  Don't even get me started on what could happen if the US and other developed countries cuts the funding they do for vaccines in poor countries. 

Please speed things up ladies.  I really can't take "Mothering". 

Happy Easter.  

Re: You ladies need to pick it up

  • Off to read the boards :)
  • Well then, you will like this gem on school age....she referred to vaccine's as "pumping children full of crap...." 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • We always chase the crazies away and then are left with a slow board.  At least we know where they go now.
    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
  • ei yi yi.  

    I just found out that one of our friends is NOT vaccinating her baby (like AT ALL).  Her pediatrician just gave her the boot for what she (the ped) considered "ignorant neglect".   We'd been talking about going out to dinner with them to meet the baby...since i heard about this I just don't want to see them...because I don't think I could keep my mouth shut.  

  • I think I draw the line at the cloth menstrual pads. I guess I don't care about the environment that much.
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • People on the fringe scare me, both sides. When we lived in the East Bay, I found some of the most close minded, judgmental a-holes lived in Berkeley. You were accepted, as long as you thought exactly like them.
    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
  • I'm loving reading this. I was reading a post about long hair on boys...Oy!
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • imagePMQ:

    I find people who blindly follow the instructions of others to be far more scary. And before I get jumped all over, I am NOT saying everyone who vaccinates is blindly following accepted social norms (I myself put a lot of thought and research into my decisions regarding vaccinations), but a lot are just doing what they're told without doing one bit or their own research and making up their own mind.

    100% agreed.  And IMO this applies to many other things, not just the issue of vaccinations.

  • imageRebekah1021:
    I'm loving reading this. I was reading a post about long hair on boys...Oy!

    I'm reading that one now. I have no issue with boys with long hair, but the little boy in ballet wearing his hair down, with a pink leotard with flowers and a pink skirt - how does she not think he looks like a girl? I thought it was his sister or something. 

    {Ava 5.16.06} {Ella 12.29.07} {Drew 2.9.10}
  • imagePMQ:

    I'll go out on the fringe and say that although my children are vaccinated I don't think choosing not to vaccinate makes you "a crazy". It's a scary proposition to inject your child with so many vaccines, I really struggled with the decision myself.

    I guess Polio and all the other disease we vaccinate against are not scary at all?  No one ever dies or is injured by them.  Nope.  No worries there at all.  Indifferent
  • The NYT magazine has an article about Dr. Wakefield, I can't wait to read it.

    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
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