Northern California Babies

iPhone & webcam as baby monitor - anyone done it?

When we went to register the other day for our baby monitor, my H was like - "um, there should be an app for this.  Are you sure there's not?"

Sure enough, looking in the app store, there are all sorts of wi-fi & 3G compatible webcam/iPhone baby monitor applications that would just require us to purchase a $10 (or less) app and a webcam* for full color video baby monitoring capability.

I'm planning to read some online reviews and such too, but I thought I'd also ask here - has anyone done this?  If so, what apps/webcam do you use?


*a specific webcam that doesn't require being connected to a computer, in the case we're looking at...not even sure this is cost effective yet.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: iPhone & webcam as baby monitor - anyone done it?

  • I have no idea, but that's really cool. I didn't even think of that, now I'm wondering if we could have used my ipod touch for the same thing. Not that you asked for our thoughts but just in case, some questions I would want to consider before investing: Will the monitor app still work in the dark - have night vision? Will it work as a monitor for a long stretch of time (the whole night) or will the monitor feature automatically turn off when your phone does? Can you control the camera from the iphone - move it around remotely? (I know not all video monitors do this but it has turned out to be a very useful feature for us now that he moves all around his crib). Also, what are the sound capabilities? I've noticed that during the night, when I'm asleep I need it to be turned up way higher than I do during the day. Also you might want to research sound quality etc. Which I'm sure you already know. :)

    I would think if those things were ok then it should work just as well as a regular video monitor.

    I will say that we love our video monitor and have no regrets buying it which is saying a lot because DH hates spending any money. Just the other night he told me it was the best thing we've ever purchased. :)

    I hope all my unsolicited advice is ok. lol, I actually just thought it was a cool idea and then it got me thinking. 

  • No, I'm super grateful for the advice!!  I didn't even think about being about to move the camera around remotely.  Of the things you mentioned, that's the one thing it won't do (it does have night vision, can be put to sleep or left on, sound, etc).  But, doing more research, the specific camera we were looking at (wireless and accessible from anywhere - not just in home) is $279.  I'm not sure it'll be worthwhile.  I thought it'd be a lot simpler, but it's such new technology/idea, I'm not sure it makes sense to do it instead of just buying the video monitor.  Hmm...

    I'm gonna have my mac-nerd husband look into it more.

    The camera I was looking at ( is compatible with iTouch, iPhone, or iPad though.  It looks really cool...I just can't believe how expensive the dang cameras are.  Sheesh.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
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  • That's a bummer that the cameras are so expensive. It's definitely a cool idea. Coming from a whole mac-nerd family (our first computer was an apple 2 and now I'm pretty sure my parents own everything in the apple store, lol) I got all excited about the idea even though we already have a monitor. :)
  • You dont need a specific camera for baby monitoring. You just need a camera that works day/night, has a mic, is wireless, and then can be viewed over the network securely.

     I think you can get one for ~100. It probably wont be HD, but I dont think that really matters.

    Something like this maybe (although I dont think it has a mic): 

  • We used a webcam for G when he was little. It was fine and we liked it, but we really only used it for naps. When he wasn't napping he was with us anyway, and at night, the webcam wasn't sensitive enough to pick up his motion. THAT is where webcams are challenging. You can get night-time webcams, but they're super pricey, and at that rate you might as well buy a Video baby monitor
  • (Disclaimer : I'm not the IT guru at our house, and I don't fully understand our  baby monitoring gear.)

    We do something like this.  We have cameras above each of the boys beds that are connected to a Slingbox.  Then we can watch the boys on any number of devices...the TV downstairs, an iPhone, the iPad, any of our laptops...Grandma even occasionally watches them sleep from her laptop in Texas.  And apparently the Slingbox has other talents, in addition to being a video monitor...maybe it lets us watch Tivo'd shows on our laptops?  I really like it.  The only minor drawback is that only one device can show the footage from one camera at a time.  So if Grandma logs in to watch Miles sleep, we can no longer watch.  

    Hope this vague info is helpful.  :)

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