
Just saying "hi" & some PIPs

I never post anymore since I am usually on while on my iPhone & don't feel like changing the java setting all the time, but I lurk everyday :)

I can't believe I have a 4yo & Zoe is almost 18 months! Riley has had a super bad run healthwise lately. Started in early March with high fevers & lethargy. No other symptoms. Was diagnosed with pneumonia. On meds for 10 days & fever came back 4 days after we stopped them. Fever got up in the mid 107s 2 days in a row! Crazy. She was then diagnosed with a kidney infection. Meds for 10 days. Fever & now hives & serious joint pain come back 4 days later. Blood tests, urine catches galore. Luckily we have ruled out leukemia, rheumetoid arthritis (sp??), and various other serious conditions. We saw the head of infectious disease at the children's hospital here yesterday. He took one look at her chest xray from the pneumonia a month ago & said that was an incorrect diagnosis & maybe the same for the kidney infection. No answers, but other than a slight fever still, it seems to be getting better. We are still waiting on yesterday's round of bloodwork, but I am hopefull she seems to be on the upswing now! Busy busy here, but just wanted to say hi :) Here are some pics I managed to get of the girls the other day before Riley's fever came creeping back. I promise to start posting here a little more!








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