If you read my post yesterday, neither my MIL nor my mom will be able to attend Charlotte's birthday party on the weekend we're having it, and it is literally the only weekend we have open in the month of May... however, if we move it to that Saturday instead of that Sunday (same weekend) they would both be able to attend. The only problem is that my DH works that Saturday, so we would have to schedule the party at 5 or 6 p.m. Would it annoy you to be invited to a children's party at that time on a Saturday evening?
Re: Birthday Party ?
If you're having a meal, then no, it wouldn't annoy me at all.
If it was for a close friend or family member (where people wouldn't care if my kids were kind of crabby I wouldn't mind and would definitely go. If it were for just an 'acquaintance' I probably wouldn't go since it's dinner time and would cut into our evening/bedtime routine.
Do whatever works for you and your family! Who cares if people don't like it, they can always stay home
Griffin 10/2007
We had Ellie's party at 5 on a Sunday last year and I loved it. It was so nice to have all day to get ready and not to have to worry about running into her naptime. We grilled out and I made sides and apps. Almost everyone we invited was there, so the time must not have been too inconvenient.
We have my nephew's birthday party this Saturday night at 7 p.m. Granted he's turning 12, and it's certainly not what I'd consider my ideal time with a toddler, but I don't think something special or late every once in a while is a huge deal. My sister always has her kids' parties at dinner time and it's no problem. Plus the nice thing about an evening party is people are guaranteed to clear out after a couple hours.
Photo by Melissa Nicole Photography