Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Poll: DC and pets

The most interesting thing in the last five months has been Olivia's reaction to and relationship with our dog, Malibu. She is in love with that dog! She laughs and smiles at her, she'll reach out to pet her, she's very gentle, and they just get along so well. I think she's going to be an animal lover!

How's your DC/pet relationship? Got any cute pics? Let's see em! :o)

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Joe and Ashley ~ June 16, 2007 ~ Olivia Rae ~ May 12, 2008 ~ 9:06 pm ~ 8lbs 4oz ~ 20.5 inches ~ Miscarriage of twins ~ April 16, 2009 at 6 weeks. ~ Surprise BFP 6/23/09 13DPO ~ Eleanor Rose ~ February 18, 2010 ~ 6lbs 15oz ~ 20 inches ~ Caroline Ruth ~ February 19, 2013 ~ 6lbs 12 oz ~ 19 1/4 inches

Our family is complete!

Re: Poll: DC and pets

  • this post makes me sad because we want a dog so badly, but live in a small apartment (plus it's against our co-op rules). We were at a friend's place yesterday who has a bull mastiff and DD couldn't stop staring and smiling at him. I think she would love having a dog. *sigh.*
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  • my  MIL and FIL have a black lab who Sydney absolutely loves. She's over there at least 2 says per week. I've noticed that when we're out and we see other dogs she loves them too now. She just looks at them and smiles.
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  • ds is just starting to notice our pets.  My surprise is how much my dog loves ds. He follows us around and goes crazy when ds is crying.
  • Addy loves Sadie our dog.  She follows her movements around the house and just smiles whenever she sees her.  Whenever Sadie comes up and gives her a lick she laughs and tries to pet her.  The only problem is now I have to continuously disenfect her hands and face because of doggie germs.   


    DD#1 is such a big girl! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • DD didn't notice our dogs for the longest time, but is now staring at them and has laughed at them a few times.  I know that they'll be best friends for sure, once she starts eating solid foods ;-)
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  • I think there's a pib of DD & our dog Maya napping.

    I'm not exactly sure what she thinks of Maya yet. Whenever she's on the floor under her little gym thingie she's way too interested in the frog to notice Maya (see siggy for example... She's obsessed w/that frog.)

    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • 4 year old Whippet Devo is in love with DD and has been since we brought her home. He sleeps by her crib and runs to find her when she's crying. She has not really noticed him yet, but I'm sure they will be friends. I'm trying to insert a pic but I don't know what I'm doing, so we'll see if it shows up.imageimage" mce_src="image">
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • our australian cattle dog mix loves DS, but DS is too little to really show any interest in chase yet.  i don't have any pics yet.
  • Our Shih Tzu absolutely loves kids and he likes to lick Ben's toes.  Ben watches him all the time and has started reaching for him and grabbing fur...Rocky doesn't seem to mind thank goodness!


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  • imageMustang Sally:

    Our Shih Tzu absolutely loves kids and he likes to lick Ben's toes. 

    That must be a Shih Tzu thing: my mom's Bocce loves to lick toes! It's so weird!

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    Joe and Ashley ~ June 16, 2007 ~ Olivia Rae ~ May 12, 2008 ~ 9:06 pm ~ 8lbs 4oz ~ 20.5 inches ~ Miscarriage of twins ~ April 16, 2009 at 6 weeks. ~ Surprise BFP 6/23/09 13DPO ~ Eleanor Rose ~ February 18, 2010 ~ 6lbs 15oz ~ 20 inches ~ Caroline Ruth ~ February 19, 2013 ~ 6lbs 12 oz ~ 19 1/4 inches

    Our family is complete!

  • DD seems to really like our dog. She always watches him and smiles when he comes near. If she's in my lap on the couch she'll lean forward as far as I'll let her to catch a glimpse of him.
  • Our dog just sniffs DS and then stays far away.  Unless I'm feeding him then, she sits on the ottoman at my feet.
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