This is Lillian's newest thing. Most things I say or ask nowadays she will disagree or say "no mom!"
What do you do? Put her in time out every single time?
I usually say something like "you dont tell mommy no. That isn't nice." If she keeps doing it, she goes in time out. Not sure what else to do though.
Re: Does your 2 year old tell you "no?"
I don't mind her disagreeing for some things. But sometimes no isn't an option. I just do it for her then.
Liam is 5!
It's totally a phase. A phase I am happy to report that my DS just out grew! I was so tired of hearing "no". It was a very firm "no" to. I found that it wasn't really about not wanting to do what I asked it was more about his new found independence to use the word. Most of the time he meant yes but no always came out. Whenever he told me no I just repeated what I asked him to do or gave him the choice of time out. Sometimes he choose time out but most of the time he choose to do whatever I asked him to do.
Toddlers like choices. It makes them feel like they have some control over their lives and lets them be a little more independent so I gave him that independence just on my terms.
On Saturday morning he woke up and everything was "yes mommy!"
Good luck! I know how frustrating it can be!
DS will be 2 in Dec. He doesnt say NO yet. He answer yeah, to almost everything.
But, I think there are times when it is ok for her to tell you no......"Do you want a snack?" " no"
But, when she is fighting with you then you need to inforce some rules.