
Does your 2 year old tell you "no?"

This is Lillian's newest thing. Most things I say or ask nowadays she will disagree or say "no mom!"


What do you do? Put her in time out every single time?


I usually say something like "you dont tell mommy no. That isn't nice." If she keeps doing it, she goes in time out. Not sure what else to do though.

Re: Does your 2 year old tell you "no?"

  • I don't mind her disagreeing for some things.  But sometimes no isn't an option.  I just do it for her then. 


  • DS tells me know all the time.  I just ignore it as I think he's just trying to express his independence and move on to something else.
    Liam is 5!
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  • Absolutely! I pretty much do what you do.  I'm not sure what else to do either. Mine will then tell me he doesn't love me anymore. He's trying to hurt my feelings. Isn't that nice? 5 minutes later though, he's giving me hugs and telling me he loves me. sometimes he even blows me kisses. He won't love me again later though. It's actually pretty funny now.
  • Well, a better question might be does your 2 year old ever tell you "yes" because that is just about ALL dd says.  I actually believe it is a phase, and she is trying to assert her independence.  She will be 3 in just a few weeks and it has gotten a lot better lately.  Normally I just say "No wasn't an option, do what mommy told you to do".  i try to ignore if she persists, but there have been more than a few time outs and arguments.
  • yep - all the time! and most of the time she doesn't mean it or will do what I ask anyway so I usually ignore it. I think she's just expression her independence.
  • It's totally a phase. A phase I am happy to report that my DS just out grew! I was so tired of hearing "no". It was a very firm "no" to. I found that it wasn't really about not wanting to do what I asked it was more about his new found independence to use the word. Most of the time he meant yes but no always came out. Whenever he told me no I just repeated what I asked him to do or gave him the choice of time out. Sometimes he choose time out but most of the time he choose to do whatever I asked him to do.

     Toddlers like choices. It makes them feel like they have some control over their lives and lets them be a little more independent so I gave him that independence just on my terms.

    On Saturday morning he woke up and everything was "yes mommy!"

     Good luck! I know how frustrating it can be!

  • She tells me no all the time.  Arrgh!
  • Sorry.  Didn't finish replying before hitting post!  Like pp sometimes I ignore it if it's not a big deal but if she keeps going on and on she'll go on timeout.
  • DS will be 2 in Dec.  He doesnt say NO yet.  He answer yeah, to almost everything. 

    But, I think there are times when it is ok for her to tell you no......"Do you want a snack?" " no"

    But, when she is fighting with you then you need to inforce some rules.

  • ALL.THE.TIME.   It's just part of toddlerhood I think.  What I say goes no matter what. She can tell me No all she wants but it's when she get's really fresh about it that I tell her she needs to go sit in time out and collect herself.
    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • Of course! That's what toddlers do.  I don't think it's a time out infraction though.  I tell her in advance what's going on, and what we're going to do, and when she says 'no' I just say 'well, we're going to do it anyway.'  And she's good w/ it.  They're just trying to find their identity and express that they have something to say to you. 
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